The Ultimate Weight Gain Diet: A Comprehensive Guide

Many Swasth warriors wanted weight gain diet charts to be prepared for their guidance. I have made some veg diet charts and non-veg diet charts. You can go through them. A substitute sheet is also being provided. You can add any item from there also keeping in mind your total calories and the macros ratio should not change. The Protein is kept at a good level.

So, if you are a beginner and not used to it, you can keep your proteins a little low and increase carbs. Sweets have presently not been added to the diet charts. Sweets can be added depending on the person’s level of fitness. And how he or she adapts to sweets. Yes, for sweet cravings, many sweet recipes are being shared in the group using stevia. You can follow them. I will keep trying to update more on diet charts and bring out easy homemade recipes for you all.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is the weight gain diet?
  3. What foods should you eat on the weight gain diet?
  4. Meal Planning and Snacking
  5. Veg weight gain diet chart
  6. Non-veg weight gain diet chart
  7. Calories in diet food for weight gain
  8. Important instructions


Are you looking to gain weight? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people worldwide are underweight, and they’re looking for ways to put on some healthy weight. Don’t worry, we won’t bore you with excessive scientific jargon or complicated formulas. Instead, we’ll take a casual approach and give you practical tips that you can actually follow.

From understanding the importance of a caloric surplus to creating a meal plan that suits your needs, we’ve got you covered. The good news is that there are a number of things you can do to gain weight safely and effectively. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the basics of the weight gain diet, and we’ll provide you with some tips on how to get started.

What is the weight gain diet?

The weight gain diet is a plan that helps you increase your calorie intake in order to gain weight. This is done by eating more calories than you burn each day. There are a number of different ways to increase your calorie intake. You can eat more frequent meals, eat larger portions, or add healthy fats and oils to your meals. It’s important to note that the weight gain diet is not a free-for-all. You still need to eat healthy foods in order to gain weight in a healthy way.

What foods should you eat on the weight gain diet?

There are a number of foods that are good for weight gain, these include:

  • Whole grains
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Lean protein
  • Healthy fats

You should also make sure to drink plenty of fluids, especially water. The amount of weight you should gain depends on your individual needs. However, a good goal is gaining 1-2 pounds weekly. If you gain more than 2 pounds per week, you’re likely gaining too much fat.

Meal Planning and Snacking

  1. Regular Meals: Aim for three main meals and three to four snacks throughout the day to maintain a consistent intake of calories and nutrients.
  2. Caloric Density: Opt for calorie-dense foods that offer more energy per serving, such as nut butter, dried fruits, whole milk, and granola.
  3. Nutrient-Rich Snacks: Choose snacks that are not only high in calories but also nutrient-dense, such as Greek yogurt with fruits and nuts, protein bars, trail mix, or a smoothie made with protein powder, fruits, and nut butter.
  4. Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition: Fuel your workouts with a pre-workout snack or meal containing easily digestible carbohydrates and a small amount of protein. Post-workout, prioritize replenishing glycogen stores and promoting muscle recovery by consuming carbohydrates and protein.

Tips for following the weight gain diet

Here are a few tips for following the weight gain diet:

  • Eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day.
  • Eat larger portions than you normally would.
  • Add healthy fats and oils to your meals.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
  • Be patient. It takes time to gain weight in a healthy way.

Veg weight gain diet chart

In the Veg weight gain chart, we provide 4 diets on there which is:

Diet Chart for 1400 Kcals:

Diet Chart for 1600 Kcals:

Diet Chart for 1800 Kcals:

Diet Chart for 2000 Kcals:

Non-veg weight gain diet chart

In the Non-Veg weight gain chart, we provide 2 diets on there which is:

Non-Veg Diet Chart for 1800 Kcals:

Non-Veg Diet Chart for 2000 Kcals:

Calories in diet food for weight gain

In this section, we’ll provide you with how many calories in food, help weight gain:

Important instructions

  • Water needs to be a minimum of 3-4 liters a day.
  • Drinks like black coffee/ black tea/ herbal tea/ diet drinks/ water/lemon soda etc. can be added.
  • Green vegetables basically anything green, broccoli, green beans, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, sarso, etc. can be used.
  • Herbs and spices you may use: turmeric, ginger, garlic, green chilly, coriander powder, cinnamon, coriander leaves, cumin seeds, chili flakes, cardamom, clove, oregano, thyme, fenugreek, etc.
  • Everything has to be measured raw and you can cook whatever you want from the given food items while keeping the mentioned quantity the same.
  • Pre-workout black coffee can be taken.
  • Please avoid sugar and use stevia for your sweetness needs.
  • Flax seeds and Multivitamins can be included in your diet.

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